ESP mikrokontrollere

ESP 32 kontroller

Dette kortet er for de avanserte. Det har prossesorkjerner, en low power prosessor, WiFi og Bluetooth BLE. Den betjener de fleste serieprotokoller, har mange digitale og analoge inn- og utganger. Det er funksjonene som velges hvilke utganger som brukes. ;Man må unngå å velge funksjoner som bruker de samme utgangene.
Kort: ESP32 Dev Module (ESP32 Arduino)

Installasjon: Last ned driver, lagres på Dokumentmappen for Ardruino i en egen ha Hardware- mappe der. I tillegg må programme get.exe kjøres i mappen Arduino/hardware/espressif/esp32/tools-mappen som administrator. I tillegg må Python 2.7.14 installeres.
OTA-funksjonen virker ikke fullt ut for ESP32.. Se også her

Vær oppmerksom at analogWrite() brukes ikke for ESP32. I stedet brukes ledcWrite(channel,duty). Den må initialiseres med ledcSetup og ledcAttachPin. Se mer info under.

Programming guide Hjemmeside Espressif Systems Kolban technical tutorials PCBReflux's ESP32 Videos Flashdownloader

ESP32 ESP-32S NodeMCU Development Board 2.4GHz WiFi+Bluetooth Dual Mode


  1. SPI
  2. GP-SPI
  3. Parallell QSPI
  4. SDIO
  5. SD
  6. MMC
  7. Ethernet MAC
  8. I2C
  9. I2S
  10. UART
  11. LED_OWM
  12. Remote Control Peripheral
  13. MCPWM
  14. Pulse_CNT
  15. 64-bit Timers
  16. Watchdog Timers
  17. eFuse Controller
  18. AES Accelerator
  19. SHA Accelerator
  20. RSA Accelerator
  21. Random Number Generator
  22. Flash Ecryption/Decryption
  24. PID Controller
  25. On-Chip Sensors and Analog Signal Processing
    1. Capasitive touch Sensor
    2. SAR ADC
    3. Low Noice Amplifier
    4. Hall Sensor
    5. Temperature Sensor
    6. DAC
  26. ULP Co-prosessor
  27. RTC_I2C Controller
  28. Low-Power Management

Data replication SkyDrive link Download: password: BCCC
The ESP-WROOM-32 is a versatile Wi-Fi + BT + BLE MCU module that is powerful, versatile and can be used for low power sensor networks and demanding tasks such as voice coding, audio streaming and MP3 Decoding and so on.
The core of this module is ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip *, with scalable, adaptive features. Two CPU cores can be individually controlled or powered on. The clock frequency is adjustable from 80 MHz to 240 MHz. The user can cut off the power of the CPU and use the low-power coprocessor to continuously monitor the status of the peripherals or whether some of the analog values ​​exceed the threshold. ESP32 also integrates a wealth of peripherals, including capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, low noise sensor, SD card interface, Ethernet interface, high-speed SDIO / SPI, UART, I2S and I2C.
CPU and memory
The ESP32-D0WDQ6 has two low-power Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 MCUs. On-chip storage includes:
• 448 KB ROM for program startup and kernel function calls.
• 520 KB on-chip SRAM for data and instruction storage.
• 8-KB SRAM in RTC, or RTC Slow Memory, can be accessed by the coprocessor in Deep-sleep mode.
• 8-KB SRAM in RTC, RTC Fast Memory, which can be used for data storage and access by the host CPU when RTC starts in Deep-sleep mode.
• 1 kbit eFuse, where 256 bits are system-specific (MAC address and chip set); the remaining 768 bits are reserved for user applications, including Flash encryption and chip ID.
• ESP-WROOM-32 integrates 4MB of SPIFlash

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analogWrite() brukes ikke i ESP32. I stedet bryes ledcWrite/channel,duty).
Før de kan brukes, må de initialiseres med
LEDC_CHANNEL : en av de 16 tilgjengelige timers.
LEDC_BASE_FREQ: Oppløsning
LEDC_TIMER_BIT: timer bit oppløsning, må være minst 12 bits
LED_PIN: pin som tilkobles

Eksempel på kode:

// use first channel of 16 channels (started from zero)
#define LEDC_CHANNEL_0 0

// use 13 bit precission for LEDC timer
#define LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT 13

// use 5000 Hz as a LEDC base frequency
#define LEDC_BASE_FREQ 5000

// fade LED PIN (replace with LED_BUILTIN constant for built-in LED)
#define LED_PIN 5

void ledcAnalogWrite(uint8_t channel, uint32_t value, uint32_t valueMax = 255) {
// calculate duty, 8191 from 2 ^ 13 - 1
uint32_t duty = (8191 / valueMax) * min(value, valueMax);

// write duty to LEDC
ledcWrite(channel, duty);


void setup() {
// Setup timer and attach timer to a led pin
ledcAttachPin(LED_PIN, LEDC_CHANNEL_0);

void loop() {
// set the brightness on LEDC channel 0
ledcAnalogWrite(LEDC_CHANNEL_0, brightness);
